Nōryō (納涼 - Enjoying Cool in Summer) Part 1

Aug 29, 2019 20:01
Nōryō Part 1

Several days ago, I introduced the Japanese term 'hisho' (避暑), which means to move to a cool place temporarily to avoid the summer heat.

Unfortunately, since I do not have much time and money, it is not easy to visit 'hishochi' (避暑地 - "cool places for hisho").

Even such situations like me, people often conduct various ideas to feel cool and spend the hot summer comfortably.

This act/idea is called 'nōryō' (納涼).

'Nō' (納) means "to bring in" and 'ryō' (涼) means "cool," so 'nōryō' literally means "to bring in cool."
納涼 Part 1





No. 1 Pajh's correction
  • Several days ago, I introduced the Japanese term 'hisho' (避暑), which means to move to a cool place temporarily to avoid the summer heat.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Unfortunately, since I do not have much time and money, it is not easy to visit 'hishochi' (避暑地 - "cool places for hisho").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Even such situations like me, people often conduct various ideas to feel cool and spend the hot summer comfortably.
  • In such situations, people often try out various ideas to feel cool and spend the hot summer comfortably.
     (In a situation like mine)
    (people often come up with various ...)
  • This act/idea is called 'nōryō' (納涼).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
You write very interesting posts about Japanese language and culture.
Thank you for the correction! :)

  • Unfortunately, since I do not have much time and money, it is not easy to visit 'hishochi' (避暑地 - "cool places for hisho").
  • Unfortunately, since I do not have much time and money, it is not easy to visit 'hishochi' (避暑地 - "cool places for hisho").
     Instead of 'much', 'enough time and money for travel' also seems natural.
  • Even such situations like me, people often conduct various ideas to feel cool and spend the hot summer comfortably.
  • Even in such situations where one may not have sufficient time and money to spare, people often come up with various ideas to be able to spend the hot summer comfortably.
Thank you for the correction! (^^)

My pleasure